Speaker Papuashvili: EU diplomats do not condemn hate campaigns by EU-funded NGOs; this is not Europe we are co-creating
Speaker Papuashvili: EU diplomats do not condemn hate campaigns by EU-funded NGOs; this is not Europe we are co-creating

“The European diplomats have refrained from explicitly denouncing the campaign of violence and disdain carried out by EU-funded NGOs. This contributed to the recent incident,” Shalva Papuashvili, Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, articulated in his social media post.

Shalva Papuashvili commented on the incident related to Health Minister Mikheil Sarjveladze.

“We must understand that this is the Europe that the UNM, some politicians and bureaucrats of the European Union make us believe is the real Europe – of pressure, contempt and harassment.

The fact that European diplomats still do not utter a single word condemning the campaign of violence and hatred by the EU-sponsored NGOs has become an encouraging circumstance for this incident.

This is not the Europe that we Georgians are the co-creators of,” Shalva Papuashvili posted.