Speaker: Ex-president's uncle speaking about restoration of territorial integrity by force proves foreign intelligence's plans, which sneaked Saakashvili into Georgia
Speaker: Ex-president's uncle speaking about restoration of territorial integrity by force proves foreign intelligence's plans, which sneaked Saakashvili into Georgia

The purpose of Mikheil Saakashvili’s persona is to cause disorder in Georgia, said Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.

According to the Speaker, the plans of the foreign intelligence services, which helped to sneak Mikheil Saakashvili into Georgia in 2021, should be evident in society.

The Speaker continued by mentioning that, whether in prison or in Ukraine, the ex-president discussed the concepts of division and disunion. He recalled Saakashvili’s uncle, Temur Alasania, speaking on the topic of forcibly restoring territorial integrity.

The Speaker said that Saakashvili, who has claimed to be “politically active,” wants destabilization in the country over the backdrop of the opposition United National Movement (UNM) party seeking military conflict in the country.

“The key problem is that we have a political group in Georgia, which is an anti-Georgian political union. This is the top of the iceberg that has just emerged. In fact, this is the iceberg of the anti-Georgian union, the anti-Georgian coalition, which is under the umbrella of the United National Movement and where Lelo and other parties are also present,” he said.