Speaker assesses reports on banning opposition parties as disinformation
Speaker assesses reports on banning opposition parties as disinformation

“The reports on the intention to ban all opposition parties is merely disinformation,” said Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.

According to the Speaker, respect for Georgian people means respect for the rule of law.

“Assessment of the intention to initiate a legal process against the United National Movement by some representatives of the European Union as an undemocratic step is contrary to the principles of the rule of law and democracy, while the reports on the intention to ban all opposition parties are merely disinformation,” he said.

The Speaker reminded society of the Strasbourg Court’s judgments determining that the system of violence and torture was practiced during the UNM’s Mikheil Saakashvili in power, disregarding this would be disrespectful to the Georgian people and the regime’s victims.

“Unfortunately, for years we have witnessed this indifferent attitude, when Mikheil Saakashvili, who was convicted of serious crimes, moved around on the EU territory without any problems and, what is even more surprising, held meetings in various EU institutions. Even after his arrest, attempts, including by some representatives of the European Union, to free Saakashvili from legal punishment under various pretexts, do not stop,” he said.

Speaking to POLITICO, Peter Stano, the EU’s Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, said that Brussels was “concerned” by the GD’s proposed “ban of all opposition parties.