Speaker: April 9 day of self-determination, unity
Speaker: April 9 day of self-determination, unity

April 9 is one of the turning points in Georgia’s newest history,” said Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.

As the Speaker remarked on Facebook, the April 9 tragedy is the day of “Georgians’ self-determination and unity.”

“This day inspires with the spirit of unity, struggle and love, but at the same time, it makes us think, teaches and warns,” he said, adding April 9 would remain in history as a symbol of victory and unity.

Today, 35 years have passed since the April 9 Tragedy in Tbilisi when the Soviet Army violently dispersed a peaceful, anti-Soviet demonstration in the centre of Tbilisi. The violence dispersal resulted in 21 civilian deaths and hundreds of injuries. April 9 is commemorated as the Day of National Unity.