Protest rally in downtown Tbilisi ends with demands
Protest rally in downtown Tbilisi ends with demands

The civil activists’ protest rally “I am coming” ended at the First Republic Square with several demands voiced by Zaza Papuashvili.

Below are their demands:

“1. We ask the government to enforce the law equally for everyone, regardless of political, sexual, or other orientation! We do not recognize anyone’s privileges before the law!

2. In the event of polarization and political crisis, the Georgian people should be given the chance to voice their opinion through a plebiscite to avoid revolutions and destabilization.

3. We request the government to give a political and legal assessment of the UNM’s dictatorship in 2004-2012 and enforce it with appropriate legal means.

4. The government should take care of implementing a sovereign economic policy, which will eliminate unemployment, low wages, and poverty.

5. We demand from the MEPs and other countries to respect Georgia’s sovereignty and refrain from meddling in internal public-political affairs. Relations between parties should be based on respect and partnership.

6. While ideological indoctrination must end in educational institutions, fundamental education should be introduced.

7. To improve the demographic situation, a successful governmental program has to be put in place.

8. LGBT propaganda should be prohibited by law.”