President: Georgian people stand with Ukraine in its fight for freedom
President: Georgian people stand with Ukraine in its fight for freedom

Ten years have passed since Russia invaded and illegally annexed Crimea and for more than 900 days, Russia has waged its brutal war of aggression against Ukraine, stated Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili during her address at the fourth summit of the Crimea Platform.

Here is the President’s full speech as delivered:

“10 years have passed since Russia invaded and illegally annexed Crimea and for more than 900 days, Russia has waged its brutal war of aggression against Ukraine.

Is it a coincidence that this gathering takes place on September 11th?  That 23 years ago terror struck in the heart of freedom and democracy, killing and injuring thousands of innocent civilians, and that today terror strikes again but in the heart of Europe – in Lviv or Poltova?  Reminding us that we cannot accept, that fighting for freedom, human values, human dignity, sovereignty, independence, and democracy suffers no compromise. Only when achieving those can we hope to achieve a lasting peace.

The ongoing war in Ukraine has confronted us to the true face of Russia’s aggression – a brutal, relentless campaign that targets not only soldiers on the battlefield, but especially innocent civilians, children and the very fabric of Ukrainian society.

This is not just a tragedy for Ukraine; it is a warning to the world, that Russia unless stopped, will continue to employ these brutal tactics, whether through direct traditional warfare, military occupations, hybrid warfare, or disinformation campaigns to achieve its imperialistic ambitions.

In the face of this barbarity, Ukraine once again has shown extraordinary courage and determination and the world stands in awe witnessing the strength and resiliency of Ukrainians, which can only be described as nothing short of heroism. This is an inspiration to us all.

Ukraine has shattered the image of an all-powerful Russian army, has demonstrated that Russian invincibility was a myth, that Russia could not conquer Kyiv neither in 3 nor in 900 days, and could not achieve to weaken the Ukrainian society or to divide Ukraine from the support of European and American friends. That is because we all realize that Ukrainians are not only defending their country but also fighting for us all.

Restoring Ukraine’s full territorial integrity is a critical step in securing peace and stability as Russia needs to learn to respect borders – not just in Ukraine but also in Georgia, in Moldova, and the rest of Europe. For too long, Moscow has disregarded the international norms, attempting to redraw borders by force and undermining the sovereignty of its neighbors. This behavior can no longer be tolerated.

As we have all witnessed, peace and stability in the Black Sea region is crucial for the entire region, the continent as it acts as an important hub for trade, energy, and communication. It is a vital link in the security chain of Europe and beyond, and its stability is directly tied to the security of the entire continent. That is why Russia’s expansionism in the Black Sea – from the occupation of Abkhazia to the annexation of Crimea or the recent steps to open a military naval base in occupied Abkhazia – cannot be tolerated.

This war is indeed about upholding the principles of international law, respecting borders, and defending the right of nations to live in peace. And as Ukraine continues to fight for its freedom and the freedom of Europe, I would like to once again reiterate that the Georgian people stand with you, the world stands with you, and together, we will show that the free world will not be intimidated by those who seek to divide, destroy, and conquer.

Slava Ukraini!”