PM: Georgia has ambitious goal to join EU by 2030
PM: Georgia has ambitious goal to join EU by 2030
During his speech at the reception dedicated to Georgia’s Independence Day in Berlin, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze highlighted the significance of Georgia’s aspiration to join the European Union by 2030. The event included a special performance by Georgian children of the EU anthem, which Kobakhidze praised, expressing his confidence in a future where these children will live in a unified Georgia as a member of the EU.

“We also have a very important national task, which is to join the European Union. We have an ambitious goal to make Georgia a member state of the European Union by 2030. Today our children performed the EU anthem excellently and I am sure that the future of these children is in the EU. These children will definitely live in the European Union, they will live in a united Georgia, which will be a member state of the European Union, and this will happen very soon. I will say once again that the support of our friends, the support of our German friends is of special importance in all of this,” said the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister highlighted the nation’s journey over the past 33 years, including enduring four wars. He emphasized the critical support from Germany throughout this period.

The Prime Minister expressed gratitude for Germany’s unwavering support, which has been significant since the 1980s and even more impactful after Georgia regained independence.

“Since the 90s, Germany has made a special contribution to the development and formation of the Georgian statehood, and for this, I thank the German state, the German people and German friends,” said the Prime Minister.