PM honors memory of fallen heroes at Mukhatgverdi Brothers Cemetery
PM honors memory of fallen heroes at Mukhatgverdi Brothers Cemetery

In commemoration of the 16th anniversary of the 2008 war, Irakli Kobakhidze, Prime Minister of Georgia together with MP Shalva Papuashvili, Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia and members of the executive and legislative authorities, along with the representatives of the diplomatic corps, paid tribute to the fallen heroes at the Mukhatgverdi Brothers Cemetery.

The Head of Government of Georgia laid a wreath of garland at the memorial.

“We all remember those tragic days, but they also fill us with pride because of the immense heroism demonstrated by our soldiers. Naturally, we must honor them once again. They had a dream-Georgia’s territorial integrity-and I am confident that their heroism will not be in vain. Georgia’s territorial integrity will be restored, restored peacefully, and the dream our heroes will be fulfilled,” stated the Prime Minister of Georgia.