PM: 'Global War Party' has critical influence on U.S., EU structures; hope this substantially changes
PM: 'Global War Party' has critical influence on U.S., EU structures; hope this substantially changes

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on Monday said, “The ‘Global War Party’ has a decisive, critical influence on official structures, both in the US and in the EU, which is very unfortunate.”

The PM went on to say that he could not specify these entities [behind ‘Global War Party’ ] as doing so “may harm our national security interests.”

“I do not mean the EU and the US. On the contrary, the European Union is the primary victim. It is especially easy to influence EU structures since decisions in the EU are taken unanimously. The ‘Global War Party’ just needs to persuade one country to make decisions that align with its goals.

The extent of the influence is enormous, and they have a significant impact on the official structures. I sincerely hope that this situation will change substantially in the future and that both the United States and the European Union will be free from ‘Global War Party influence,'” Kobakhidze stated.