PM: GD needs constitutional majority to punish criminals, secure lasting peace, continue stable development
PM: GD needs constitutional majority to punish criminals, secure lasting peace, continue stable development

“With just over a month left before the parliamentary elections, which are as significant for our country as those in 2012, this is more than an election—it’s a referendum. The society must decide between war and peace, moral decay or traditional values, a return to a dark past or a bright, European future,” said Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze at a regional election campaign event in Rustavi.

Kobakhidze expressed confidence that on October 26, the people of Rustavi will emphatically reject war, immoral propaganda, and a dark past, choosing instead peace, traditional values, and Georgia’s bright future.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the Georgian Dream needs a constitutional majority topunish criminals, secure lasting peace in Georgia, and continue the country’s stable development without artificial hindrances.

“In 2012, we moved past an authoritarian regime, and since then, Mr. Bidzina Ivanishvili has been the main guarantor of peace, democracy, state independence, and economic progress. For this, I extend my gratitude once again,” said Irakli Kobakhidze.