PM: Despite enduring most formidable challenges, Georgia and its independence persist. Today, Georgian society boasts wealth of experience compared to nascent years of independence restoration
PM: Despite enduring most formidable challenges, Georgia and its independence persist. Today, Georgian society boasts wealth of experience compared to nascent years of independence restoration

Irakli Kobakhidze, Prime Minister of Georgia delivered a speech at the celebratory event marking the Independence Day of Georgia.

Below is the speech as delivered:

“Ladies and Gentlemen! President of Georgia, Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, Patriarchal Locum Tenens Reverend Shio, Representatives of the Patriarchate, Mayor of Tbilisi, Chairman of the City Council, Minister of Defense of Georgia, Commander of the Defense Forces of Georgia, servicemen! I greet you all! I also greet and welcome Members of the Parliament and Government of Georgia, Heads of constitutional institutions, Heads of the judiciary, Heads of the Autonomous Republics, diplomatic corps, invited guests, dear compatriots!

I extend my congratulations on Georgia’s Independence Day to every Georgian, both within our borders and abroad, as we celebrate our nation’s most significant holiday. Additionally, I offer my heartfelt congratulations to the conscripts who have taken the oath of loyalty to our motherland on this momentous day.

For three millennia, Georgians have dedicatedly labored, fought and made monumental sacrifices in defense of Georgia’s independence. Situated at the crossroads of empires, it is this steadfast loyalty and selflessness that have enabled our modest yet esteemed nation to uphold its freedom and sovereignty. With profound reverence, I honor every hero who, in the pursuit of Georgia’s independence, offered their most precious possession – their life.

106 years ago, on May 26, Georgia regained its state independence, laying the foundation for the establishment of the first Georgian Republic. Though its existence was fleeting, spanning only three years, it left us with the enduring legacy of democratic governance.

Emerging from seven decades of Soviet dominion, Georgia heralded a new era with multi-party elections in 1990, swiftly followed by the declaration of state independence in 1991. Since then, akin to the biblical journey of Moses, Georgia has steadfastly navigated toward the metaphorical “promised land” of prosperity and liberty.

As we approach the 40th anniversary of Georgia’s regained independence in 2030, our collective vision, our “promised land” embodied in the Georgian dream, depicts a unified and robust Georgia, together with our Abkhaz and Ossetian brothers and sisters, as united and strong Georgia should become a fully-fledged member of the European family in 2030.

Over the course of the past 34 years, Georgia has weathered numerous trials and tribulations. From enduring three wars in the early 90s to grappling with the loss of de facto independence, authoritarianism, agents’ rule, and a fourth war between 2004 and 2012, our nation has faced profound challenges. The inexperience of our society and the betrayal of politicians resulted in the temporary loss of 20 percent of our territory. Subsequently, from 2012 to the present day, Georgia has confronted myriad attempts aimed at undermining its sovereignty and independence, particularly in the last four years.

Despite enduring the most formidable challenges, Georgia and its independence persist. Today, Georgian society boasts a wealth of experience compared to the nascent years of independence restoration. Moreover, the government stands resolutely at the forefront, safeguarding Georgia’s sovereignty, protecting its national interests and ensuring the preservation of its independence.

It is the unity and prudent actions of our citizens alongside the government they have chosen that have afforded us the ability to sustain peace within our nation over the past two years, despite facing existential threats and enduring multiple betrayals, including that of from the President of Georgia.

Recent events in Georgia’s history and the ongoing developments in the contemporary global landscape have underscored with remarkable clarity that sovereignty stands as the paramount safeguard for a nation’s security. Hence, today, more than ever, we must exercise utmost vigilance in preserving Georgia’s state independence. It is imperative that we nurture and protect the three pillars of Georgia’s national identity – homeland, language and faith – with unparalleled dedication. Moreover, in this critical juncture, we must prioritize unity and mutual care, endeavoring to vanquish the forces of hatred, for it is through love alone that we can mend what enmity has torn asunder.

For three millennia, Georgians have upheld the integrity of our modest homeland, nestled amidst the tumultuous clash of empires, through unwavering devotion to our motherland and one another. While mighty empires have surged and crumbled under the weight of greed and animosity, our nation, guided by the reverence for Virgin Mary and fortified by its steadfast commitment to preserve its land, language and faith, has remained under divine protection for centuries.

With the grace of God and the collective efforts and determination of each individual, we will undoubtedly realize the Georgian dream! Together, we will forge a unified and resilient Georgia, taking its rightful position within the European family with sovereignty, dignity and cherished values at its core.

Long live the sovereign nation of Georgia! May the divine providence forever safeguard our homeland!”