People's Power MP advises President to wait for expiration of her term
People's Power MP advises President to wait for expiration of her term

“President Salome Zourabichvili is undecided about what to do. She sees that she is not accepted in the opposition but has no other chance to be the president,” said Executive Secretary of the People’s Power party, Guram Macharashvili.

Macharashvili advised President Zourabichvili to “reduce unhealthy ambitions” and wait for the expiration of her term.

“She does not love Georgia. I urge her to stop making silly statements and wait for the expiration of her duty term,” he said.

Remaking on Salome Zourabichvili’s prerogative to pardon jailed ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili, Guram Machavariani said that Georgia’s EU integration line does not pass on Saakashvili’s pardon, and even if Zourabichvili pardoned him, this decision would make her “burden heavier.”

“Salome Zourabichvili is not smart, so we are ready for all scenarios. Fortunately, many things do not depend on Zourabichvili. Formally, she can pardon Saakashvili, but this would make her burden heavier and her life unbearable,” he said.

At the meeting with students on June 11, President Salome Zourabichvili said: “I would be happy and proud if I were your presidential candidate.”

In response to the question on Saakashvili’s pardon, she said: “If Georgia’s coming close to Europe depends on my pardoning, we would have been there and even beyond a long time ago.”