Parliamentary majority leader explains principles behind compilation of GD electoral list
Parliamentary majority leader explains principles behind compilation of GD electoral list

Mamuka Mdinaradze, the leader of the parliamentary majority, elaborated on the principles underlying the compilation of the Georgian Dream electoral list.

“We presented the top twenty, and subsequently, the delegates were added to the GD parliamentary electoral list according to an alphabetical index, ensuring uniformity in selection. For example, the representative from Batumi was chosen alongside the representative from Telavi without any discrepancies. This method accounted for approximately 50 individuals.

Additionally, five MPs from People’s Power, who are neither in the top twenty nor among the 30 delegates, are included. All remaining MPs in the majority begin counting from position 56 onward. The list continues up to 93, featuring entirely new faces, including an additional contingent that will secure a constitutional majority.

We have around 120 representatives from youth organizations, followed by 50 more deserving young individuals. Thus, every section of the list reflects a specific principle. One MP may be listed ahead of another not due to individual merit, but because the entire list is structured around certain guiding principles. You will become acquainted with these individuals in the coming days. They are commendable candidates, and I am pleased to have them included. I am confident they will effectively become members of the parliamentary majority and enter parliament during its first and second sessions. I wish them all the best in advance,” remarked Mdinaradze.

According to Mamuka Mdinaradze, the election list includes new faces among the 93 individuals chosen, all of whom are accomplished and worthy candidates.

The Georgian Dream has unveiled its complete party list for the upcoming parliamentary elections in Georgia, scheduled for October 26.