OSCE PA Human Rights Chair calls for protection of fundamental freedoms amid Tbilisi protests
OSCE PA Human Rights Chair calls for protection of fundamental freedoms amid Tbilisi protests

In light of the demonstrations taking place in Tbilisi regarding the adoption of the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Chair of the Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions, Lucie Potůčková, recalled the importance of safeguarding human rights and fundamental freedoms as crucial OSCE principles and the basis for free and democratic societies in the OSCE region.

“Our Assembly Members have been following the events in Georgia closely and any report of intimidation and violence is viewed with concern,” Potůčková said. “We stress that freedoms of speech, expression, and assembly are key commitments for all OSCE members, including Georgia, to ensure the upholding of all principles of democracy and fundamental freedoms. Our Assembly has always remained dedicated to protecting these essential rights and upholding the values that support free and democratic societies.”

Potůčková further emphasized that the work of NGOs and a vital civil society sector is ‘essential’ in holding governments accountable and advancing democratic values. “Any legislation that impacts the space for civil society to operate freely and independently is troubling and warrants close scrutiny, including from international partners and experts, she said, adding that measures aimed at enhancing transparency and accountability must be balanced with the need to protect the independence and autonomy of civil society.”

Last week, OSCE PA President Pia Kauma (Finland), Special Representative on South Caucasus Kari Henriksen (Norway), and Secretary General Roberto Montella held an online meeting with Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze to discuss the draft law. “The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly continues to stand ready to support and assist Georgia in its efforts to strengthen democratic governance and safeguard human rights,” reads the statement.