OSCE/ODIHR publishes conclusion on gender quotas abolition
OSCE/ODIHR publishes conclusion on gender quotas abolition

The OSCE/ODIHR has published a conclusion regarding the abolition of gender quotas, the Georgian Public Defender reported.

According to the Public Defender, the OSCE/ODIHR’s legal opinion on the organic laws related to the abolition of gender quotas is negative, deeming them incompatible with international human rights standards aimed at eliminating discrimination against women in political and public life.

“While the gender balance in the Georgian Parliament has been improving gradually due to mandatory gender quotas and financial incentives, it remains low compared to other OSCE countries and does not meet international and regional standards and recommendations.

The OSCE/ODIHR’s conclusion also points out procedural flaws, including the hasty adoption of draft laws, lack of adequate and inclusive participation and consultation with interested parties, negative aspects of changing key elements of the electoral system near election periods, and the failure to consider the principle of electoral legislation stability,”

The conclusion details international obligations to promote gender equality in political and public life and provides specific recommendations,” the Public Defender states.