Norwegian Parliament President: Norway supports Georgia's territorial integrity, sovereignty, independence
Norwegian Parliament President: Norway supports Georgia's territorial integrity, sovereignty, independence

Norwegian Parliament President Masud Gharahkhani Monday pledged that Norway supports Georgia’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence.

“At the same time, it is important to stand up for democratic values if Georgia wants to continue its European and Euro-Atlantic path,” he said at the joint press point with his Georgian colleague Shalva Papuashvili.

Masud Gharahkhani noted that “Georgia was for many years a frontrunner for democratic reforms. I also raised some concerns about the political developments in the past few years in my meeting with Chairman.”

“Norway and Georgia have a good relationship. Unfortunately, it is dark times in Europe right now because of the Russian aggression. The Chairman and I have newly visited Ukraine and shown our support for the Ukrainian people’s fight for freedom and democracy. And I have also seen what the Russian aggression can do in areas like Irpin and Bucha. Also, Georgia experienced what Russian aggression can do,” Masud Gharahkhani asserted.