MP Botchorishvili: Venice Commission's assessment politically motivated
MP Botchorishvili: Venice Commission's assessment politically motivated

Maka Botchorishvili, the European Integration Committee Chair, criticized the Venice Commission’s recent assessment, characterizing it as more political than legal and suggesting it pushed for a constitutional direction that contradicts the will of the Georgian people.

Botchorishvili emphasized that the Constitution of Georgia guarantees the protection of all human rights, a principle that will be upheld through all legislation.

“The Venice Commission’s conclusion leaned towards political assessments rather than providing a purely legal evaluation. It suggested changes that aimed in a direction contrary to the will of the Georgian people and the principles enshrined in our Constitution.

According to Georgia’s Constitution, the rights of all individuals are safeguarded without discrimination. This principle will continue to be upheld through all our laws,” Botchorishvili stated.