MP Botchorishvili says Georgia chose between Russia's slavery and Europe long time ago; Georgia may be EU member before President catches up
MP Botchorishvili says Georgia chose between Russia's slavery and Europe long time ago; Georgia may be EU member before President catches up

Georgia has made its choice, and speaking about the referendum is an attempt to take action on a false basis, said Maka Botchorishvili, the parliamentary European Integration Committee Chair.

According to her, Georgia chose between Russian slavery and Europe a long time ago.

“A referendum was held in the 90s, and the country has chosen this path for over 30 years. It is a way the country is going, and the President is far behind. By the time she catches up, we may be in the European Union. Georgia has made a choice, and speaking about a referendum is an attempt to take action on a false basis. As for the charter, it is a fake charter that unites the common approach forces – let there be chaos and destabilization in this country, let Georgia go differently, not the peaceful and stable path to the European Union”, said Maka Botchorishvili.