Ministry of Internal Affairs demands tougher penalty for realization of drugs
Ministry of Internal Affairs demands tougher penalty for realization of drugs

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia demands to tighten the penalty for realization of drugs, – Minister of Internal Affairs Giorgi Gakharia stated.

“I want to focus on some important aspects of the drug policy. First of all, the main task of drug policy should be rehabilitation of drug addicts and prevention of the increase in the number of drug addicts. All humanization and so-called liberalization of the drug policy should prevent the risk of encouragement. This is very important. On the other hand, we, as a body combating drug addiction, unequivocally demand the tightening of punishment of drug distribution.

Nevertheless, we understand that components, such as the term of sentence or forms of examination should be reviewed and our legislation should be made more progressive. On the other hand, we should take into consideration that the Constitutional Court decisions created status quo and we, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, think that one of the most important directions of drug policy today is to create a further legislative framework for the decisions made by the Constitutional Court. Today, I have an impression that some members of our community think that marijuana consumption is allowed. In reality this is not true,” Gakharia said.