Member of European Georgia - Election fraud must not be forgiven, it was not an election and an expression of the will of Georgian people
Member of European Georgia - Election fraud must not be forgiven, it was not an election and an expression of the will of Georgian people

Khatuna Gogorishvili, a member of European Georgia claims that despite the demand of oppositional parties, ballot boxes are not opened.

According to Gogorishvili, Central Election Commission (CEC) gave an instruction that votes are not recounted at any polling station because the results fixed do not reflect the reality.

She claimed that CEC was following the instructions of the ruling Georgian Dream Party.

Gogorishvili said that complaints were submitted on annulling the results from more than 600 polling stations in Tbilisi and that votes in favor of the opposition were merely thrown to the garbage.

“Election fraud must not be forgiven, it was not an election and an expression of the will of the Georgian people,” Gogorishvili said.