Mayor Kaladze: Let peace and development prevail, not destruction and bloodshed
Mayor Kaladze: Let peace and development prevail, not destruction and bloodshed

Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze described Tbilisoba as a cherished tradition that symbolizes kindness and love, highlighting the vibrant atmosphere created by the joyful emotions of the people on this day. Speaking at the award ceremony for the 2024 Honorary Citizens of Tbilisi at the Palace of State Ceremonies, Kaladze noted that the October sun-warmed streets of the capital are particularly colorful during the celebration.

The mayor emphasized Tbilisi’s resilience, stating, “Tbilisi has overcome many challenges to rebuild its unique Georgian culture, fill its stadiums and sports halls with the sounds of victory, and pass on its legacy to future generations.”

Kaladze expressed gratitude to the residents, saying, “Tbilisi is adorned by remarkable individuals. I would like to sincerely thank all of you who, through your achievements and daily work, contribute to the development of our city. While it is impossible to honor every deserving person with the title of honorary citizen, please accept our heartfelt respect and appreciation.”

During the ceremony, 25 individuals were awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Tbilisi for 2024.