Mamuka Mdinaradze: Our Opponents Lack Credibility and Delegates, Resorting to False PR Tactics
Mamuka Mdinaradze: Our Opponents Lack Credibility and Delegates, Resorting to False PR Tactics

“Our opponents have neither a rating nor individuals to designate as delegates. Therefore, they have chosen to pursue a path of false PR, as they have done in the past,” said Mamuka Mdinaradze, the leader of the parliamentary majority.

According to Mdinaradze, the Georgian Dream (GD) party’s regional delegates were selected based on criteria of professionalism, trust, and respect within their respective electoral constituencies.

“The love for our country and its people, as well as professionalism, trust, honesty, and respect in the corresponding constituencies – these are the criteria upon which we selected our delegates, not single-mandate MPs, as our opponents claim.

They have failed to identify 30 individuals to represent them in Parliament, should they have won. They lack the rating needed to include these individuals on their party lists and have no credible figures with the authority to designate delegates. Therefore, they have resorted to a campaign of false PR, as they have done previously,” said Mdinaradze.

On August 15, the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party nominated 22 delegates to lead their pre-election campaign in the regions.