Mamuka Kazaradze on President's call: Ready to put aside all personal issues for nation's European development
Mamuka Kazaradze on President's call: Ready to put aside all personal issues for nation's European development

“Strong Georgia” leader Mamuka Kazaradze echoed the Georgian President’s call to unite with the “Gakharia for Georgia” party in the upcoming elections, expressing readiness “to put aside all personal issues for the nation’s European development.”

“I welcome the President’s efforts to support Georgia’s European aspiration and her emphasis on the role and importance of “Strong Georgia” in this matter.”

“This morning, I made Giorgi Gakharia aware of my willingness to speak with me on this topic if doing so would help the nation win. We will promptly notify the President of any decisions about the outcome of these negotiations, if and when they are made,” Khazaradze posted on his Facebook page.