Lelo's Khazaradze: Single opposition list discussion concluded; Lelo deems it unacceptable
Lelo's Khazaradze: Single opposition list discussion concluded; Lelo deems it unacceptable

Mamuka Khazaradze, chairman of the Lelo party, declared that the discussion about having a unified opposition list is concluded, stating that from the beginning, Lelo has considered it unacceptable.

Khazaradze suggested that Lelo, along with other opposition parties, should focus on discussing how to eliminate the Georgian Dream party from the political scene.

“I believe establishing three or four centres on the western front is crucial, and we should ensure that voters are promised two things. First, opposition parties will unite to form a formidable coalition dedicated to implementing crucial reforms quickly to engage in negotiations with the European Union. The President has taken one of the initial steps, which we have also supported. Let the rest be fair competition. Lelo has declared a moratorium on non-aggression. Now, one of the political challenges we face is the Georgian Dream. It represents the Russian government, which we must eliminate from the political arena. We need to have discussions with other opposition political parties on how to address this issue,” Khazaradze stated.