Lelo leader says Georgia's place in Europe
Lelo leader says Georgia's place in Europe

“Georgian people should win over Russian policy in Georgia on October 26. Our place is in Europe,” Mamuka Khazaradze, leader of the Lelo party, posted on Facebook.

Mamuka Khazaradze listed the reasons for Georgian people to acknowledge where Bidzina Ivanishvili’s government drives Georgia.

“1. Postponement of military exercise with American soldiers;
2. EU’s freezing its support for Georgian Defence Forces;
3. EU Ambassador’s statement on putting Georgia’s EU accession on hold;

4. Germany’s decision not to finance projects in Georgia.

This is news for the last three days. Does anyone still have questions about where Bidzina Ivanishvili pushes Georgia? Georgian people should win over Russian policy in Georgia on October 26. European choice is the national choice. Our place is in Europe. The victory of Georgian people is close,” he said.