Legislative reform in aim to liberalize drug policy remains disputable
Legislative reform in aim to liberalize drug policy remains disputable

The legislative reform, which has been under consideration in the parliament for 6 months and envisages liberalization of drug policy in the country, still remains disputable.

The reform aims at decriminalization of use of drugs, while distribution, sale and import of drugs will become stricter and will be punished by up to 15 years in prison.

The reform has full support of non-governmental organizations but there is difference in opinions among lawmakers and no committee hearings have been launched as yet.

If the draft-project is approved as proposed, the government will have to allocate solid money for medication of people who are drug consumers.

The reform is so disputable that it faces threat of disrupted readings. Even viewpoints of MPs in the ruling team are dissimilar regarding abolishment of imprisonment for drug users.

A working meeting was held in the parliament to discuss the document today but it was closed for representatives of the media.