Legal Committee Chair: President's veto be overridden if lacking essence
Legal Committee Chair: President's veto be overridden if lacking essence

Anri Okhanashvili, the chair of the legal affairs committee, emphasized that the president’s veto would be overridden if it were formal, lacking essence and deviating from the principle of transparency, upon which the draft law is based.

“We’re open to discussion if there is a desire to modify the content before the veto. Our position remains steadfast: the president’s veto will be overridden if it lacks substance and deviates from the principle of transparency, upon which the draft law is based. Criticism should not solely rely on personal views but should be grounded in arguments and justifications,” Okhanashvili asserted.

Furthermore, the ruling team is ready to engage partners in discussing the draft law and hold public debates.

“We’re prepared to hold additional meetings and engage in dialogue with partners, remaining transparent about these issues. Prime Minister has extended an invitation. If mistakes are made, let’s have an open, public discussion. We’re not suggesting debates with partner country representatives, but rather a constructive dialogue,” Okhanashvili remarked.

President Salome Zourabichvili stated yesterday that she would veto the Transparency of Foreign Influence bill but would not engage in manipulations or games as it only serves to sow confusion among the people.