Kakha Kakhishvili ready to meet with President and Presidential Administration
Kakha Kakhishvili ready to meet with President and Presidential Administration

Kakha Kakhishvili, Minister of Penitentiary, Probation and Legal Assistance is ready to meet with President of Georgia and representatives of Presidential Administration, in order to improve pardoning mechanism. Kakhishvili made the statement in Program “Actual Topic with Maka Tsintsadze” of First Channel on Monday evening.

“There are honorable people in the Pardon Commission, but apparently the mechanisms have to be improved. In regard to early release, we have solved a number of issues, implemented the oral hearing mechanism, which means interviewing the convicted person,” Minister said.

He said that abolishment of pardon and early release would be a mistake. “The convict shall have a motivation that if he/she pleads guilty, obeys the terms of the regime and minimizes the risk of committing a crime, he/she will be given a chance of early release,” Kakhishvili claimed.

According to the Minister, currently, the communication with the president’s administration is sending and receiving a sheet of paper. “That’s why I am ready to meet over the issue of improvement the pardon mechanism. I think it will be correct if in certain cases a person whom the pardoning act is applied to meet with the Pardon Commission,” – Minister of Penitentiary and Probation said.

Vepkhia Bakradze, former step father slit throat to a young woman in presence of two children on April 13 at Barnov Street in Tbilisi. The crime suspect was arrested on April 14. Bakradze, previously convicted on charge of family violence, was reduced prison term through pardoning by President. He left penitentiary facility in May of 2017.