Justice Minister: Saakashvili to be transferred to penitentiary once his doctors deem him ready
Justice Minister: Saakashvili to be transferred to penitentiary once his doctors deem him ready

Georgian Minister of Justice Rati Bregadze announced that ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili will be transferred to a penitentiary once his doctors deem him ready. Bregadze emphasized that Saakashvili’s health is closely monitored and has notably improved.

“Of course, doctors assess his state of health. We can confirm that he will be transferred to a penitentiary once his doctors deem him ready. The principle is quite simple: a convicted prisoner serves his sentence in a penitentiary,” said Rati Bregadze.

He also noted that Saakashvili’s health is under constant care and observation.

“I am personally very pleased that his health condition has improved significantly and I wish him continued good health,” added Bregadze.