Justice Minister: President’s involvement in PM selection is unconstitutional
Justice Minister: President’s involvement in PM selection is unconstitutional

Minister of Justice Rati Bregadze criticized President Salome Zourabichvili’s recent statement about having her own candidate for the position of Prime Minister in the event of a coalition government, suggesting that her involvement in such matters would be unconstitutional.

Bregadze highlighted that, according to the Georgian Constitution, the President cannot be a member of a political party, and the candidate for Prime Minister must be presented by the political party with the best result in the parliamentary elections. Therefore, if the President is unofficially involved in the selection of a prime ministerial candidate, it establishes her as an “informal ruler.”

“Judge for yourself how close the promise of democratic development with anti-democratic and unconstitutional methods is to European values,” Bregadze added in his statement on social media.