Justice Minister: GD government establishes truth about August War, wins all disputes against Russia in Strasbourg
Justice Minister: GD government establishes truth about August War, wins all disputes against Russia in Strasbourg

After 2012, the Georgian Dream government has consistently worked to establish the truth about the August war and has successfully won all disputes against the Russian Federation in Strasbourg, Georgia’s Minister of Justice, Rati Bregadze, told journalists.

When asked about the Caucasus Barometer survey results, which indicate that 69 percent of the population views Russia as an enemy and 75 percent supports joining the European Union, Bregadze responded:

“This outcome was achieved through our successful litigation in the Strasbourg court during the Georgian Dream government, where we won the case. Additionally, we prevailed in all disputes against the Russian Federation, both regarding the August War and the deportation of Georgian citizens from Russia. During the Georgian Dream government, we took all effective steps towards European integration, achieving milestones such as visa-free travel and candidate status. All of this progress has been made under the Georgian Dream administration.

In contrast, the National Movement only spoke of action without tangible results. They failed to address either occupation or de-occupation issues, while our achievements are substantiated by actions. Our positions have been unequivocally validated by our work. Thus, any questions about our stance on the occupation, or whether the Russian Federation is an occupier, are unfounded and absurd, especially coming from those who lost Georgian territories and failed to prove the occupation by Russia.

Our response is clear: where state interests are concerned, the Georgian Dream government remains steadfast,” stated Rati Bregadze.