International Olympic Committee will send a group of experts to study development of mountain resorts in Georgia
International Olympic Committee will send a group of experts to study development of mountain resorts in Georgia

The International Olympic Committee will send a special group of experts  to Georgia to study the state of development of mountain resorts and future prospects – President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Thomas Bach made the regarding decision during the meeting with the Georgia’s Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili held today.

As the First Channel journalist reports from Davos, a group of experts will get acquainted with the potential of Georgia, including in direction of youth sports development. At the meeting it was noted that Georgia’s goal is to host the Olympic Games in the future perspective.

During the face to face meeting Giorgi Kvirikashvili introduced Thomas Bach with Georgia’s potential in detail and spoke about the visible and tangible results that the country has achieved over the last period. The sides discussed the possibility for hosting the international competition of the Winter Olympic Games by Georgia.

After the face-to-face meeting, negotiations continued in the extended format. It was noted that development of mountain ski resorts is a priority for the Government of Georgia and sharing the Swiss experience is important.

“We welcome your initiatives, which serve for promoting sports and Olympic values ​​in Georgia. We are very impressed with the activities carried out in your country during the last period. The International Olympic Committee is interested in sports development and in this process we support the National Olympic Committees, including the Olympic Committee of Georgia, ” – said Thomas Bach.