Interior Minister: Based on state interests, we consider ourselves obliged to apply Article 222 of Criminal Code proportionally to law violators; without exception in case of crime
Interior Minister: Based on state interests, we consider ourselves obliged to apply Article 222 of Criminal Code proportionally to law violators; without exception in case of crime

Georgian Minister of Internal Affairs, Vakhtang Gomelauri, on Sunday, held a press point, warning “to apply Article 222 of the Criminal Code article proportionally to the violators of the law, and in case of committing the crime – without any exception.”

Below is the Minister’s full statement as delivered:

“As it is known to the public, the right to peaceful assembly in Georgia is ensured at a high standard.

Herewith, the legislation empowers the state to take appropriate, proportional measures against violent and unlawful assembly.

According to the public statements made by the politicians as well as operational information, we are informed that the gathering is planned to take a violent and illegal character within the next two days, including the fact that participants of the gathering will attempt to block the entryways of the Parliament of Georgia and hinder the members and staff of the legislative body to enter the building, with regards to which, we would like to make a cautionary statement.

According to Article 222, part II of the Criminal Code of Georgia, blocking the facility of special importance by a group, which hindered or could hinder its normal operation, envisions imprisonment for a term of up to 4 years.

In recent years, a disproportionately loyal practice was formed with regards to the above-mentioned article of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which, as experience has shown, had a negative impact on the prevention of the corresponding crime.

Therefore, based on the interests of the state, we consider ourselves obliged to apply the mentioned article proportionally to the violators of the law, and in case of committing the crime, to apply Article 222 of the Criminal Code without any exception.

It is unacceptable when politicians and other local and foreign entities incite people to commit crimes for which strict criminal liability is envisioned by the law. It is not our desire, several hundreds of our fellow citizens or foreigners to become the object of strict criminal liability. However, it is an obligation of the state to ensure the rule of law and to respond to violations of the Criminal Code with appropriate measures.

We express our hope that as few people as possible will get involved in the provocation plotted by politicians and other local as well as foreign entities and thus avoid the severe punishment that is envisioned for the above-mentioned crime against public security and order.”