Girchi: GD's wrong policies caused more than 14 billion euros in damage, but UNM's criticism lacks qualification
Girchi: GD's wrong policies caused more than 14 billion euros in damage, but UNM's criticism lacks qualification

“Georgian Dream’s wrong policies have caused more than 14 billion euros in damage to the country. However, the National Movement does not always provide qualified criticism,” stated the leader of the opposition Girchi party, Iago Khvichia.

Khvichia emphasized that Georgia is losing its reputation as a country moving toward Europe.

“I believe the claim about 14 billion euros is not entirely accurate, as it involves not just Georgian funds but also specific projects. However, this doesn’t mean ‘Georgian Dream’ should not be criticized. Their misguided policies, in cooperation with our partners, have caused significant harm, likely exceeding 14 billion euros. The issue is that the opposition, often lacking the necessary qualifications, doesn’t always criticize effectively. Nonetheless, the damage done by the ‘Georgian Dream’ is undeniable.

I haven’t followed the campaign closely, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to reduce our European Union integration to monetary terms. The real damage is moral and reputational, as we are losing our standing as a country committed to Europe. This will undoubtedly lead to various problems, including negatively impacting the investment climate. It’s difficult to quantify the exact amount—whether it’s 14 billion or even more,” Khvichia remarked.