Giorgi Kvirikashvili to Give a Speech at 72 nd Session of UN General Assembly
Giorgi Kvirikashvili to Give a Speech at 72 nd Session of UN General Assembly

participate in the General Assembly’s Session.

As part of the visit, Giorgi Kvirikashvili will hold high-level bilateral meetings.

The Prime Minister will also address the participants of the top-level event organized by the Open Government Partnership (OGP), with the OGP chairmanship for a year about to be delegated from France to Georgia. It is the first instance in OGP’s history for Georgia to chair this organization bringing together organizations (initiatives) from 75 countries. The high-level meeting of the OGP will be held within the frames of 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly.

This year, the General Assembly plans to discuss 172 issues, including “Persisting Conflicts in GUAM states and Their Impact on Global Peace, Security, and Development.”

According to the preliminary agenda, the Assembly will also discuss sustainable development, conflicts, disarmament, and human rights.

The General Assembly will hold debates on September 19-25.