Georgian Prime Minister Participates in the EaP Leaders Dialogue
Georgian Prime Minister Participates in the EaP Leaders Dialogue

Giorgi Gakharia, Prime Minister of Georgia participated in the Leaders Dialogue of the Eastern Partnership (EaP), which was led by Charles Michel, President of the European Council and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission in the format of a video conference today.

According to the Press Service of the Government Administration, achievements made by the Eastern Partnership have been praised at the meeting. Leaders reviewed the current trend of cooperation between the European Union (EU) and countries of the Eastern Partnership, along with priorities and prospects of their deepening. Also, measures taken against the COVID-19 pandemic have been discussed.

The Prime Minister of Georgia elaborated on the success achieved by the country in the fight against the pandemic and noted that time has come to translate new challenges into opportunities.

“Now, when almost every restrictive measure has been lifted, we are getting prepared for a gradual, but cautious re-opening of our borders. At the same time, when EU member states decide to gradually re-open their borders, I hope to see Georgia among the list of safe countries not only because we are close partners, but predominantly because of being a safe partner. Our goal is to invest further in the democratic and economic reforms, even when we are gearing towards general elections scheduled this autumn” noted the Prime Minister of Georgia.

The Head of Government of Georgia focused in his speech on the significance of the Eastern Partnership Initiative and noted that Georgia aspires for a fully-fledged integration into the EU.

“We need greater goals. We hope that the EU will support our gradual integration to a single EU market, which will be a key benchmark for the Eastern Partnership. We expect that an approach based on interests and progress of partners will be maintained. It may involve interaction with countries in a new format by facilitating a sector dialogue, supporting the essential connectivity with a specific focus on the potential of the Black Sea. It should be one of the benchmarks for stimulating the economic welfare and for meeting the connectivity goals of the EU and Asia. Violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity is our reality with severe consequences on regional security. We rely on the EU support for securing the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity within the internationally recognized borders and for a greater engagement in the peaceful conflict resolution within Georgia and in partnership at large” noted the Prime Minister of Georgia.

Meeting engaged leaders and heads of governments from the EU and countries of Eastern Partnership. Leaders agreed to hold the next Summit of Eastern Partnership, which was deterred due to the global pandemic, in early 2021 under the chairmanship of Portugal.