Georgian Post hosts exhibition showcasing historical letters, collectable stamps, including GPB First Channel's stamp
The Georgian Post hosts the exhibition On Your Name Since 1805, which showcases historical letters and unique photo-video footage drawn from the Georgian National Archives and depicting postal activities. The exhibition also includes a collection of stamps from the postal fund, featuring the stamp of the Georgian Public Broadcaster’s First Channel.
The exhibition is being held on the territory of the Historical Post Department.
Tinatin Berdzenishvili, the Director General of the GPB First Channel, attended the exhibition and expressed pride in the GPB First Channel’s stamp holding an honourable place in the collection.
“I admit everything related to our culture, history, and identity is crucial, particularly in today’s world. The exhibition presents an impressive collection, including collectable stamps, that showcase Georgia well. I am proud that the GPB First Channel’s stamp, illustrating Georgian reality as the first broadcaster, holds an honourable place in this collection. I am delighted that all our fellow citizens will have the opportunity to explore these exhibits, allowing them to delve into our rich history and culture,” said Tinatin Berdzenishvili.
The exhibition entitled On Your Name Since 1805, which will range from December 5 to December 10, will enable attendees to learn about Georgia’s postal history.