Georgian lawmakers remark on EU elections
Georgian lawmakers remark on EU elections

Georgian lawmakers from the ruling team and the opposition parties on Monday remarked on the EU elections.

The following are the comments in quotes:

The Chairman of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, says “The EU elections highlighted the importance of aligning shared European priorities with national ones, rather than vice versa.”

“The trend is skewed towards more conservative parties. There is a certain fatigue to these neoliberal approaches that are often foisted on their population. One important trend among them is that young people in Europe are increasingly supporting conservative, traditional approaches,” Shalva Papuashvili stated.

The Chairman of the European Integration Committee, Maka Botchorishvili, claims that per election upshots “there are many issues to mull over in the political elite of EU Member states; It is frequently stated that the political elite’s viewpoints do not align with those of the people.”

“There will most likely be no major changes in our region, but the elections in the so-called large nations, France and Germany, will have an influence. Liberals lost the most votes. The success of the right-wing and ultra-right in numerous nations shows that the liberal side seems significantly weaker,” said Maka Botchorishvili.

The Member of the parliamentary majority, Irakli Kadagishvili says the European Parliament elections showed that “the so-called radical liberalism is losing its positions and its place is slowly being taken by right-wing political forces.”

“Europe sees more and more that its future should be decided more in Europe, that pseudo-liberalism reached ultimately a dead end and war is not Europe’s priority. The war weakens Europe to its core and empowers global players whose goals do not fundamentally align with Europe’s,” Irakli Kadagishvili stated.

The First Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, Gia Volski believes the European Parliament configuration “has not altered considerably.”

“Several countries, particularly France and Germany, have opted for conservative approaches and visions. The pseudo-liberal side is indeed facing significant challenges in several nations,” remarked Gia Volski.

The Member of the parliamentary majority, Davit Matikashvili, believes previous EU processes “were unsatisfactory” to the people. “This is an important and thought-provoking reality for everyone.”

“Actually, the population did not trust the political system, the political actors who managed the processes in the European Parliament and the European Union policy until now,” said Davit Matikashvili.

The Member of the parliamentary majority Irakli Zarkua says “This EU election answered to the pointless, groundless, unarguable sanctions.”

“So, does it turn out that protecting national interests, maintaining order, and reducing foreign influence, which the EU population majority endorsed, undermines democracy? Let them sanction EU nationals too. These elections show us that we are on the right track,” said Irakli Zarkua.

The Chairman of the opposition Strategy Agmashenebeli party, Giorgi Vashadze, says “The policy of EU enlargement, supporting democracy, supporting Georgians, and ending the Georgian Dream won in the European Parliament.”

“None of the anti-democratic, fascist, and authoritarian forces will ever be supported by the forces that won in the European Union,” Giorgi Vashadze asserted.

The member of the Reforms Group parliamentary political group, Teona Akubardia, states that “the key EU values ​​do not change.”

“These results do not change the EU policy regarding the support of the principle of sovereignty and values, which are the main determining factor,” Teona Akubardia noted.

The United National Movement (UNM) opposition party member, Zurab Chiaberashvili, believes the EU elections demonstrated that “the main political parties remain influential, which is significant for Georgia.”

“As soon as the Georgian people replace Ivanishvili’s violent, Russian regime, the EU elections show that the way is open for the Georgian people to become an EU member very quickly as a result of reforms,” Zurab Chiaberashvili added.