Georgia ranked the 4th place in Westernization Index 2018
Georgia ranked the 4th place in Westernization Index 2018

Georgia occupies the fourth place according to the Westernization Index 2018.

U.S.-based organization, Strategic Center for Political and Diplomatic Solutions (StrategEast) has released the research.

Report analyzes the 14 countries of the Post-Soviet, Non-Russian region as a whole.

In the ranking, only the Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are ahead of Georgia.

Estonia was named as the most pro-Western among the former Soviet states, with 93 out of 100 points. Fourth-placed Georgia has 62 points. It is followed by Moldova (56 points) and Ukraine (54 points).

The survey does not evaluate Russia’s westernization. The lowest-scoring countries are Tajikistan (19.5 points) and Turkmenistan (17.5 points).

The Index is based on a series of elements and benchmarks that helped the organization to assess adoption and implementation of       Western model by looking at five key areas:

  1. Political Westernization.
  2. Economic Westernization,
  3. Legal Westernization.
  4. Language and cultural Westernization.
  5. Westernization of lifestyle.