Georgia in US 2020 budget –State Department increases financing to certain programs
Georgia in US 2020 budget –State Department increases financing to certain programs

The US government plans to increase financing to certain programs which also envisage assistance to Georgia. US president presented the draft-project for 2020 to the Congress where foreign aid spending is cut but border security and funding countering Russia are boosted.

The budget request, published on Monday, says its State Department funding is “$12.3 billion or 23-percent decrease from the 2019 estimate.”

Based on the draft budget, there is $26.4 million under the International Military Education and Training (IMET), and a portion of $75 million earmarked for Europe and Eurasia under Foreign Military Financing (FMF) to “incentivize” countries that want to get rid of their Russian armaments and buy American instead.

The same document also says the US government will allocate $661 million to “counter Russian malign influence” in Europe and Eurasia – nearly double the numbers for fiscal year 2019.