GD publishes statement on resolution adopted at 31st annual session of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
GD publishes statement on resolution adopted at 31st annual session of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

The ruling Georgian Dream party has issued a statement concerning the amendments to the resolution adopted at the 31st annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

The statement highlights that the wording added to the resolution titled “The Role of the OSCE in the Current Security Architecture: A Parliamentary Perspective” aligns with Russia’s long-standing objective of presenting itself as not being a party to the conflict. According to GD, the amendment implies a tripartite conflict involving Tbilisi-controlled Georgia, Abkhazia, and Ossetia, rather than recognizing Russia’s role as an aggressor.

“As you know, at the 31st annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, a resolution titled “The Role of the OSCE in the Current Security Architecture: A Parliamentary Perspective” was adopted.

We would like to point out that the wording added to the paragraph about Russia’s occupation of Georgian territories aligns exactly with what Russia has been trying to achieve in the Geneva negotiations for the last 16 years – to pretend that Russia is not a party to the conflict. The amendment states: “Reconciliation of Tbilisi-controlled Georgia, Abkhazia, and Ossetia is necessary.”

The paragraph suggests there are three parties in the conflict, with the strange construction of “Tbilisi-controlled Georgia,” Abkhazia, and Ossetia. This amendment implies that Russia is attempting to resolve the conflict through different channels, which is disinformation and defends Russia’s destructive behavior within the Geneva format. This is seriously worrying, especially because the OSCE is a co-chair of the Geneva negotiations, and the United States, whose representatives authored the amendment, is a member of the Geneva format and a strategic partner of Georgia. Including this wording in the resolution contradicts the principle of Georgia’s territorial integrity and the declared policies of the OSCE and the USA.

Georgia’s initiative to include the occupation of the territories in another amendment, which addressed Russia’s harmful actions, was unfortunately rejected and not incorporated into the resolution.

Due to the violation of Georgia’s state interests, our delegation will vote against the final resolution. We are aware that Georgia’s vote is not decisive because we are a small country with a very small delegation, and we will likely be in the minority. However, we must openly state that the amendments are biased and based only on oral statements without any supporting evidence.

It is unfortunate that in this particular case, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is playing Russia’s game. Our decision remains unshakable, and we will continue to fight to protect our country,” the statement reads.