GD Chair: Until Bidzina Ivanishvili, GD in power, there will be no war in Georgia
GD Chair: Until Bidzina Ivanishvili, GD in power, there will be no war in Georgia

“For the past 12 years, we have had unprecedented and continuous peace in the country; we have not had a war,” said Irakli Garibashvili, chairman of the Georgian Dream party, on Sunday, during his pre-election meeting in Ambrolauri.

Garibashvili deemed the August 2008 War “the most serious crime that cannot be forgiven.”

“Until Bidzina Ivanishvili and the Georgian Dream are in power, there will be no war in Georgia. We will not let traitors harm our nation and people again,” he noted.

Garibashvili described the upcoming October 26 elections as “a decisive struggle for peace.”

“On October 26, Georgians must choose between conflict and turning the nation into a polygon or peace and progress. I repeat: we can get worse in the pursuit of better.

We believe in the wisdom of our people. We have to come out, stand together and save the country again. On October 26, we should celebrate the great victory of the Georgian Dream and the people. May God be our protector,” Garibashvili added.