Gakharia reveals Lelo's condition and failure to reach neutral platform agreement
Gakharia reveals Lelo's condition and failure to reach neutral platform agreement

Giorgi Gakharia, chairman of the For Georgia party, explained at a recent briefing the reasons behind the failure of negotiations for a potential alliance with Lelo, which is part of the Strong Georgia coalition, stating that he should have concluded discussions earlier when it became evident that no agreement on a neutral platform could be reached.

“It was a mistake to initiate these negotiations so close to the elections without adequate preparation,” Gakharia acknowledged.

He emphasized that once it became clear that a neutral political platform was unattainable, continuing the talks only led to further complications. Gakharia noted that the process was undermined by the other side’s greed, which turned the discussions into an exercise in assigning blame for the negotiation’s failure.

Gakharia expressed regret that the original goal of fostering fair and effective cooperation was ultimately lost.

The leader of the For Georgia party outlined the reasons for the breakdown in negotiations with Lelo and highlighted the key principles that were not upheld throughout the process. He mentioned that Mamuka Khazaradze rejected the notion of a neutral platform.

“A neutral platform was deemed impossible. The principle of equitable decision-making was also challenged, as the coalition involved multiple entities and the relationships among them remained unclear. Moreover, there was a refusal to adhere to the principle of forming a coalition with neither the Georgian Dream nor the United National Movement.

We must return to the essential conditions for achieving our goals and publicly affirm our commitment to a neutral political platform that we believe is safe and fair for all; the principle of equitable decision-making; and the prohibition of coalitions with both the Georgian Dream and the United National Movement,” he stated.

Giorgi Gakharia also stated that one of the stipulations set by Lelo was that he should not appear on the electoral list. Gakharia confirmed that he agreed to this condition.

“One of those stipulations was that, for instance, Gakharia should not be on the list. Although Madam President supported me, the issue at hand was so significant and critical that I agreed to it. I am not alone—I never claim to be the sole representative of the For Georgia party. I have a large team behind me, and, unlike many other parties, our team is remarkably stable. We have been working together for about ten years, starting with a shared vision, which eventually led us to roles in the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and subsequently, the government.

It took considerable effort on my part, and I was unable to convince many. I have been speaking to these individuals, telling them that they may need to go on a list from which I cannot be included, and many were resistant. Some were opposed to the idea. Such decisions require careful preparation. While people are currently gathering the necessary documents, this process has begun. Setting a firm point for our negotiations now is guided not only by the existing contradictions but also by the timelines involved. For some reason, the other side has not been open about this, as they believe that increasing media pressure will yield favourable results. However, that approach will not succeed, and we may all face consequences,” Gakharia stated at a briefing held at the For Georgia party office.

The party leader also expressed gratitude to President Salome Zourabichvili and Mamuka Khazaradze for their engagement in the negotiations, reaffirming his belief in the importance of future cooperation to safeguard Georgia’s European future and to combat political polarization.