For Georgia says no unity agreement reached due to internal discord within Lelo
For Georgia says no unity agreement reached due to internal discord within Lelo

The For Georgia party and Lelo stood unable to reach a unity agreement, likely due to a “lack of internal consensus” within the Lelo party, a statement from For Georgia party reads.

The For Georgia party thanked President Salome Zourabichvili for her initiative and involvement in the unity negotiations. They reiterated their commitment to removing the Georgian Dream from power, promoting peace in the country, and ending the current political polarization.

“We would like to express our appreciation and respect for the President of Georgia, who plays a significant role in the ongoing political processes in our country. It was her initiative and invitation that facilitated our participation in discussions over the past few days.

We also extend our thanks to Lelo for their participation in these dialogues.

For our political team, the national interests of the state and its citizens have always taken precedence over any party or personal interests.

This principle has guided us in the past while in power, during our current opposition, and will continue to do so in the future.

Consequently, we set aside our party interests and made sacrifices, whereas the other party requested additional time for internal coalition deliberations. Unfortunately, it appears that they were unable to achieve internal consensus.

In this pre-election period, time for critical decisions is limited. Thus, reaching an agreement at this stage was not feasible.

Despite this setback, our discussions with Lelo have left us with positive expectations for potential cooperation in the next Parliament.

Our political objective remains to remove the Georgian Dream from government, without allowing a return of the United National Movement, while ensuring peace in the country and mitigating current polarization,” the statement concluded.