EU's Borrell: EU path for Georgia has been perfectly landmarked
EU's Borrell: EU path for Georgia has been perfectly landmarked

High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, Monday stressed “this Opinion [on EU Perspective] is a big step forward on the European path of Georgia. Some weeks ago, nobody could have expected an Opinion anchoring Georgia clearly in the European path.”

Asked about Georgia’s EU perspective, High Representative said “the European path for Georgia has been perfectly landmarked.”

“Now they have a programme to do, now they have a schedule, now they have clear objectives. The European path for Georgia has been perfectly landmarked. So let’s work and we are going to support the Ukrainian [Georgian] society in order to use this opportunity, they should not be deceived [disappointed], they should be encouraged. They have a positive Opinion talking about membership under some conditions. This is a big step forward, do not underestimate it. Use this opportunity, work on that,” Josep Borrell asserted.