EC's Executive Vice-President expects positive conclusions on EU enlargement 
EC's Executive Vice-President expects positive conclusions on EU enlargement 

Maroš Sefcovic, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of the European Green Deal, Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight, said that EU enlargement-related issues will be “thoroughly discussed” at the EU Foreign and European Affairs Ministerial in Brussels.

“I think that, of course, everything will be thoroughly discussed today by the ministers. I wouldn’t like to kind of preclude the conclusion of these discussions. All will be looked at from all aspects, and I’m sure that Commissioner Várhelyi, after the discussion with the ministers, will also brief you on that particular question. Therefore, it will be discussed by the ministers, but, as you know, we cannot jump ahead of the formal deliberation of the Council.

Therefore, we need to wait for the discussion of all ministers before coming to make the statement and concrete conclusions on this very important matter. I think that enlargement will be a very important item on the agenda of our leaders this Thursday. I think this would be clearly one of the historic summits because a very important decision will have to be taken,” he said.

According to Maroš Sefcovic, diplomacy is “at full speed,” and he expects positive conclusions.

“I expect that we will do our utmost to prepare the discussion well for our heads of state and governments, who will convene in this building in two-days time and will have a thorough discussion, and, I hope, also positive conclusions on this discussion. As you know, the diplomacy is at full speed.

The leaders are communicating among themselves, and I know that the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, is in close contact with all the leaders. And I’m sure that from the commission side, we will do our utmost to have a positive outcome for the European Council,” he said.