Eastern Partnership Summit to be held
Eastern Partnership Summit to be held

The 5th Eastern Partnership (EaP) Summit will be held in Brussels, Belgium today.

It will be attended by the heads of state or government from the EU member states and the six Eastern partner countries (Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Armenia).

Georgia’s Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili will deliver a speech.

The summit will discuss how to further strengthen cooperation in the four priority areas agreed in Riga:

  • stronger economy: economic development and better market opportunities
  • stronger governance: strengthening of institutions and good governance
  • stronger connectivity: enhancing interconnections, notably in the areas of transport and energy
  • stronger society: increasing mobility and contacts between people

The 20 deliverables for 2020 in these four areas were identified by the EEAS and the European Commission in a joint staff working document ‘Eastern Partnership – Focusing on key priorities and deliverables’. The report was first presented in December 2016 and revised in June 2017, according to the press release.