Coalition for Change leaders sign declaration: Elected representatives will not collaborate with GD gov't
Coalition for Change leaders sign declaration: Elected representatives will not collaborate with GD gov't

The leaders of the Coalition for Change announced that none of their elected representatives would collaborate with the government led by Bidzina Ivanishvili and the Georgian Dream. Each leader signed a declaration affirming this stance.

In a statement made at a briefing, Nika Gvaramia, one of the coalition leaders, stated, “I will read and sign the declaration. In the interest of the Georgian people, European integration, and our nation’s democratic development, none of the representatives of the Coalition for Change elected to parliament will cooperate with the authoritarian regime of Bidzina Ivanishvili and Georgian Dream, as confirmed by our signatures.”

Melia added that any future coalition member would only be added to the parliamentary list after signing the statement.