City Hall announces public transport restrictions near Bagebi settlement on August 17-18
City Hall announces public transport restrictions near Bagebi settlement on August 17-18

On August 17 and 18, public transport will be restricted in the square adjacent to Tskneti Highway #6, near the Bagebi settlement, where turning was previously possible, Tbilisi City Hall announced.

Due to ongoing rehabilitation works, municipal buses #345 and #351 will temporarily operate only up to the Turtle Lake turn instead of their usual route to Tskneti Highway #6.

For the road section from the Turtle Lake turn to the Levan Samkharauli National Bureau of Expertise, passengers will be served by minibus #449, which will run at reduced intervals.

“The minibus will operate at three-minute intervals during peak hours and five-minute intervals during the day. The restriction will not apply to private cars,” stated Tbilisi City Hall, apologising for the inconvenience.