Bidzina Ivanishvili: Vote for Georgian Dream to ensure peace and accountability for war criminals
Bidzina Ivanishvili: Vote for Georgian Dream to ensure peace and accountability for war criminals

During a speech at the regional event of the Georgian Dream election campaign in Rustavi, Bidzina Ivanishvili, honorary chairman of Georgian Dream, emphasized that voting for the party on October 26 guarantees that no one will be able to drag Georgia into war and that war criminals will face severe punishment.

Ivanishvili argued for the need to declare the National Movement unconstitutional and hold its members accountable.

“The collective ‘National Movement,’ acting against the interests of Georgians, should not only be removed from government but also face the question of being declared unconstitutional and judged severely. These individuals are responsible not only for the torture and murder of their own citizens, business racketeering, and the corruption in the country, but also for the gravest crime—one that Georgia will never forgive. The National Movement is accountable for the tragic events of 2008. In order to fulfil the external task, they initiated a war that resulted in over 400 lives lost, the displacement of 30,000 people, and the loss of our territories,” he stated.

He praised the Georgian Dream as the sole political force that has maintained 12 years of continuous peace amid challenging geopolitical circumstances.

“By supporting Georgian Dream in the upcoming elections, we ensure that no one can involve Georgia in war and that war criminals will be held accountable. We are the only political force that has secured uninterrupted peace despite ongoing military conflicts in the region. I promise that I, along with my team, will do everything in our power to prevent any bombs from falling on Georgia,” Ivanishvili declared.

“Achieving a constitutional majority in the October 26 elections is vital for implementing necessary constitutional changes for restoring our territorial integrity,” he concluded.